Principals speak of challenges faced by leading schools


Principals from Kenyenya Sub County in Kisii have identified some obstacles that they undergo in their attempt to lead their schools to do better in the national examinations.

Led by Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teaches (KUPPET) Branch Executive Secretary Joseph Abincha, they asked the Ministry of Education to be releasing capitation funds to the schools earlier for smooth operations.

Abincha said that the delay of funds inflicted financial strains to the principals who end up depending on debts from school suppliers. He added the suppliers sometimes take principals to court over unpaid money.

The teachers thanked the local NG-CDF for the financial help they extend to children from poor homes but requested them to increase the bursary allocation to cater for their upkeep besides paying school fees.

“We have some students who have only one blanket and a mattress at school without even a box for the safety of their personal effects,” revealed one principal.

The principals who included Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association (KESSHA) Kenyenya Branch Chairman David Osoro asked area MP Obadiah Barango to support them with putting up adequate infrastructure in their schools to enable them produce good results.

“Give us adequate support including good roads to enable our teachers and learners to travel to school easily and we shall continue producing desirable grades,” said OSoro.

In his response, the MP promised to hold education consultative meetings with the teachers from time to time to enable them move together as a team for better education results.

During the meeting, the MP revealed that Bomachoge Borabu Constituency released education bursary funds of Shs 48.3 million to aid students in the institutions of higher learning.

By Enock Okong,o

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