Ksh.477 Million JOOUST research campus is 80% complete, VC confirms

By Erick Nyayiera

Completion works at the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST) Research Campus are undergoing.

According to the Vice Chancellor (VC) Prof. Stephen Agong’, the construction of the state-of-the-art Research, Innovation and Incubation Centre (RIIC) domiciled at the Miyadhe Campus next to the Lake Victoria is 80% complete.

The research center which is one of its kind in East and Central Africa consists of research laboratories, a conference hall, reference library and hostels.

Prof. Agong’ clarified that the national government funded the construction of a science complex at Miyadhe Campus with a higher capacity compared to their initial proposal which is now nearing completion.

“The Research Institute at the Miyadhe Campus will provide a state of the art research, innovation and incubation facility capable of addressing national, regional and global developmental challenges,” disclosed the VC.

The VC said that the center will also provide innovation space to act as a business development centre for new entrepreneurs and SMEs who intend to develop innovative ideas emanating from the various research activities within the university and in the region.

“It will also be pivotal in providing a platform for a multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral research and innovation research including facilitating capacity building, knowledge exchange and networking within the Lake Victoria region (Kenya and East Africa),” explained Prof. Agong’.

The newly installed University Council Chairman Prof. Shem Wandiga while touring the Research, Innovation and Incubation Centre at Miyadhe Campus was pleased with the tremendous work the University through the Vice Chancellor had done.

Prof. Wandiga acknowledged the University for its endeavor in providing quality education that identifies students’ creativity and innovation through integrated training, research and community outreach for the country’s sustainable growth.

The new University Council Chair also observed that the new research center will also be improved and equipped to host a meteorological data plant in collaboration with Kenya Meteorological Department and the International Meteorological body to help in predicting weather patterns.

“I’m very delighted to be associated with this great University which is undoubtedly an internationally recognized Centre of Excellence in Research not only in Africa but in the World. The state-of-the-art Research Hub which is one of its kind in East and Central Africa is 80% complete and will be a game-changer once it is operational and we look forward to hosting international researchers in marine science among other instrumental research fields,” noted Prof. Wandiga.

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