TSC concludes hiring of 450 intern teachers


The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has concluded the hiring process of 450 intern teachers for post primary institutions. Most of the counties finalized the process today (Friday  March 31, 2023) in an exercise that had been budgeted for in 2022/2023 financial year.

The teachers’ employer also disclosed the guidelines that were used in the recruitment process of the intern teachers.

The Selection Panel was expected to exercise the highest degree of transparency and accountability, as stipulated in the Public Officers Ethics Act and TSC Code of Conduct and Ethics 2015.

TSC directed its County Directors to ensure the applicants’ lists are generated, distributed to TSC Sub-County Directors and schools.

The applicants were invited to ensure that the verification of documents commences on Monday, April 3, 2023 as per the roadmap.

They were given seven days between invitation and the verification exercise.

TSC Sub-County Directors in liaison with their respective TSC County Directors MUST ensured that venues for selection process are accessible to applicants with disability.

Upon generation of applicants’ lists, the TSC County Director shared the lists with the TSC Sub-County Directors. The TSC Sub-County Directors shall convene the Sub-County Selection Panel(s).

The Selection Panel(s) identified interview venues, dates and time communicated to the TSC Headquarters for verification and publishing on the TSC Website.

All the applicants were invited for the verification of documents. The applicants shall be informed of the interview venue, date and time through the publishing on the TSC Website at least seven (7) day from the date of publishing.

TSC also issued selection score guide for teachers Post primary institutions

The applicants were awarded marks during the selection in accordance with the areas specified; in academic and professional qualifications for Bachelors of Education (BED) Degree or Bachelor of Arts (BA) Degree + PGDE or Bachelor of Science (BSC) + PGDE graduates those who scored First Class will score five marks, Second Class three marks and pass two marks. The maximum score is five marks

Those with Diploma and Dip. Tech. Education or Diploma in Education, Distinction scored five marks, Credit three and Pass two marks.

The interviewers also took consideration of the age of applicants, those who are 50 years old and above scored 25 marks, 47 – 49 years old will have 15 marks, 44 – 46 years old will score have 10 marks and 43 years old and below five marks. The maximum score is 25 marks.

The TSC will also consider length of stay of an interviewee since qualifying as a teacher.

Teachers who qualified in 2010 and before will have 70 marks, 2011(65), 2012 (60)2013(55), 2014(50), 2015(45) 2016 (40) 2017(35) 2018(30) 2019 (25) 2020(20) 2021 (15) 2022 and after 5 marks. Maximum score is 70 marks.

In the event of a tie in the ranking, consideration for selection shall be determined in the following order, length of stay since graduation and strength of academic and professional certificates presented.

If applicants tie at PTE/DPTE Upgrade Certificate points, aggregate KCSE grades or its equivalent shall be considered.

By Obegi Malack


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