KNUT wants TSC to speed up transfer of delocalized teachers

KNUT wants TSC to redirect teachers back home

KNUT wants TSC to hasten the transfer of teachers who were delocalised

KNUT wants TSC to speed up the transfer of the remaining delocalized teachers back to their place of origin in the ongoing transfer exercise.

Tharaka Nithi branch Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Executive Secretary Njeru Mutani said Teachers Service Commission (TSC) should immediately effect the transfer by working around the clock and ensuring the teachers who requested to be transferred back to their place of origin are rerouted.

Speaking to teachers in Chogoria market in Maara constituency, Mutani said the rerouted teachers will be able to enjoy the remaining time of their teaching career in peace after reuniting with their families.

“The transfer exercise is ongoing. I urge TSC to speed up the transfer of the remaining teachers back to their places of origin. TSC should work around the clock and ensure the teachers who requested to be transferred back to their place of origin are rerouted,” said Mutani.

KNUT wants TSC to transfer the teachers as delocalization was unlawful

He said delocalization was against the law according to both the TSC and the Ministry of Education.

KNUT wants TSC to redirect teachers back home
Tharaka-Nithi KNUT Executive Secretary Njeru Mutani

The KNUT official said the teachers unions have been working tirelessly to ensure the typical, uncommon and draconian act is buried once and for all.

“The Kenya Kwanza Education manifesto had said they will do away with delocalization. True to their words, the exercise commenced in January.

By January 15th, this year, 57 head teachers, 71 secondary school teachers and 315 in primary school were delocalized to their place of origin,” said Mutani.

He said the delocalized teachers are now motivated and ready to work hard noting that learners will be taught effectively with good results expected.

Mutani lauded the government for the good gesture noting the delocalized teachers can finally afford a smile on their faces.

By John Majau

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