Ruiru NG-CDF embarks on infrastructure development in schools

By our reporter

The Ruiru National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) is constructing 45 classrooms in schools across the constituency to reduce congestion.

Simon King’ara, MP, said that learners’ population in the highly populated constituency has hit 115,000, noting that there is dire need to add more facilities to effectively accommodate all.

Speaking at Kahawa Wendani Primary School as he officially opened Junior Secondary School (JSS) classrooms, King’ara divulged that the projects are on-going in St Georges, Ruiru, Kwihota, Mutuya, Manguo, Gitothua, Kimbo and Malimu Farm Primary schools.

“The number of learners in Ruiru has increased significantly, leading to high congestion in our schools. This is the reason we are striving to add more classrooms so that we can reduce the congestion and give our children a favourable learning environment,” King’ara said.

The MP said that his office is also putting up other vital facilities, including laboratories and lavatories, in most schools across the constituency.

“We have prioritized education and we are working round the clock to ensure that we improve in academic performance. We have moved to all schools and identified their needs and that’s where we are directing resources and our energies,” the lawmaker said.

King’ara said that they are partnering with corporate entities within the constituency to elevate education in the region, noting that some of them like Devki Group of Companies have already put up classrooms.

“Even the contractor doing the affordable housing project in Ruiru has promised to construct four classrooms at St Georges and Ruiru Primary schools. We are calling on other corporates to join us on this noble course and assist put up vital amenities needed in our schools,” King’ara said.

At the same time, the MP disclosed that Ruiru students will receive Ksh53 million worth of bursaries early next month.

“We have received Ksh53 million so far from the National Treasury and we will use this money to issue bursaries to needy students,” he said.

He, however, noted that the money is too meagre to cater for the high number of applicants as over 30,000 have applied.

“I think it’s high time the government considered pegging CDF allocation on population. In Ruiru for instance, we have a population of over 700,000 residents who are taxpayers and yet we still receive an equal amount with constituencies with as few as 20,000 residents,” King’ara said.

Ruiru residents hailed the move to add more facilities in schools, saying it will enable the learning institutions to accommodate all learners and give them a serene learning environment.

“We are confident that even our children’s academic performance will improve,” said a parent Kelvin Kioko.


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