Protect children from predators, Education Director tells parents

By Enock Okong’o

Gucha Sub county director of Education David Ayoko has cautioned parents against leaving their children unattended when they are not a school.

He said that most parents neglect their children and leave them in the hands of teachers instead of playing their parental duties.

“Our parents should know that the care given to their children by teachers is a contracted duty that should be perfected with parental responsibility,” he said.

The director was speaking to Education News in his Ogembo office after learning about the sudden death of a student.

According to the parents of the deceased at Nyakerato village in Bomachoge Chache Constituency, the deceased left his home in the company of colleagues for a night funeral vigil.

Also read: Emotions run high during burial of defiled minor

Upon reaching midnight the boys reportedly decided to go for a drinking spree.

“It was when they were returning from the clandestine beer party when my son met an inevitable night attack by unknown people,” testified the father.

His friends ran for their lives from the attackers who beat victim and left him on the ground to die.

He was found in the morning by passersby who informed his family about the ordeal.

The weak boy who suffered injuries in the whole body was rushed to Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital where he was pronounced death shortly after arrival.

The Hospitals CEO Enock Ondari confirmed his bizarre death.

“He died before any examination could be carried on him and we had no alternative but to preserve the body in Hospital Mortuary,” he said.

The police from Ogembo promised to carry investigation on the cause of the death and to bring his attackers to book.

They assured justice to family members of the deceased after investigations.

The police could not establish the motive behind the killing, asking anybody with information that may lead to the arrest of the suspects to volunteer information to them.


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