MP accused of relocating TVET institution despite locals providing land

Bonchari constituency Member of parliament Hon Charles Onchoke has been accused by his electorates from Nyamwari location of taking away the long awaited Technical and Training Institute, Ngeria Technical, to a different location without informing them, having known that there is an already laid foundation stone.

Speaking during a staged demonstration, the locals from Nyamwari and Omwari condemned the selfish intention by the MP to relocate the learning center from its original..
“We are tired of being robbed our intended development projects now and then, there was a foundational stone that was laid here at Ngeria by the former CS Education Dr. Fred Matiangi and money channeled to put up a permanent fence,” asked Alfred Ayieko a community leader who was astonished that the MP could make the decision despite knowing that plans were ongoing.
Ayieko wondered why the MP was turning against the proposed initiative he started whereas there has been no hindrance of the project being put in place.
The chairman of the training institute termed the turn of events as a shock to them as they had planned over prospects of developing the center through other sources to enhance progressive learning to the needy locals.
“We had each and every programme knowing that the legislator is on our side only to realize later that he had called several busybodies to a meeting to coerce them into agreeing that the learning center be moved to omwari,” stated Thomas Ondari the chairman of the facility adding that they all voted for the MP and that they deserve the development he seems to deny them.
Youths from the area had to stage more pressure on the legislator to put up the proposed training center as it was before and vowed to demonstrate to the MP’s office to demand an explanation .
“We’ll not hesitate to air our grievances over what the legislator has decided to do to our location. Yes we voted for him but why is he turning against us in developmental issues in our location?” posed Boaz Onkundi a youth leader from the area.
The MP therefor has been given an ultimatum of two weeks to sit down with Nyamwari residents to iron out the issue.
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