TSC given 24-hour ultimatum to transfer teachers in banditry-prone areas

Kenya Teachers in Hardship and Arid Areas Welfare Association National Secretary, Wangonya Wangenye.

By Roy Hezron 

The Kenya Teachers in Hardship and Arid Areas Welfare Association (KTHAAWA) National Secretary Wagonya Wangenye has urged the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to transfer teachers in the volatile areas earmarked for security operations starting tomorrow, to safer places.

Speaking to Education News today, Wagonya stated that the safety of teachers is paramount and that the Commission should transfer them to safe locations within Baringo, Laikipia, Samburu, Turkana and West Pokot counties.

The Unionist added that while making the transfer, TSC should ensure that the Hardship benefits for the teachers should not be affected by the transfer.

Wagonya, who was reacting to the directive given this morning by the Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof. Kithure Kindiki stated that after the operations, TSC should consider recruiting teachers to handle schools in those areas.

The places where residents have been given a 24-hour ultimatum to vacate effective today include; Korkoron Hill, Tandare Valley and Silale Gorges in Baringo County.

Mukogodo Forest; Kamwenje, Warero and Ndonyoriwo; Lukuruki Hills, Losos and Kiape Caves and Sieku Valley in Laikipia County.

Ltungai Conservancy, Longewan, Nasuur, Lochokia and Lekadaar Escapments; Lolmolok Caves, Pura Valley, Malaso Escarpment and Suguta Valley in Samburu.

Kapelbok, Nakwamoru, Lebokat, Ombollion, Nadome and Kamur Caves in Turkana county; the Turkwel Escarpment at the interface of West Pokot and Turkana counties.

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