Government won’t increase university fees, Machogu clarifies

  • CS Machogu urges the public to ignore media reports that there are plans to increase university fees
  • He says they are just suggestions forwarded to the Presidential Working Party on Education Reforms which is still working on the recommendations.
  • Says Kenya Kwanza champions for the role of public universities in promoting access to education and developing human capital.

By Erick Nyayiera

The government will not increase tuition fees in universities; Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu has clarified.

The Cabinet Secretary, while speaking at the graduation ceremony of Jaramogi Oginga University of Science and Technology (JOUST) on March, 3 2023, advised the public to ignore media reports purporting that the government is intending to increase tuition fees in universities.

“May I take this opportunity to clarify that no decision has been made to increase university student fees. While such suggestions have been made to the Presidential Working Party on Education Reforms in the context of stakeholder participation, they remain mere proposals. Let us await the recommendations of the Working Party before an informed decision is made on the way forward,” Machogu stated.

He assured that the government will continue to support public universities by developing an enabling legal and policy environment and by providing funding through capitation and loans to students.

“The Kenya Kwanza administration believes that the quality education and research are major determinants of socio-economic and political development. This is why the government is keen and deliberate on comprehensive reforms to ensure that the education sector performs optimally,” highlighted Machogu.

He continued “Indeed, as you all know, one of the first actions that His Excellency the President took upon assuming office was to set up a Presidential Working Party on Education Reform. The Working Party has a broad mandate to collect views and make recommendations on reforming the education sector, including the university sub-sector. It is anticipated that the Working Party will make solid recommendations that will help alleviate many of the challenges that the sub-sector is facing.”

He mentioned that the Kenya Kwanza administration has no doubt about the essential role of public universities in promoting access to education and developing human capital. “It has never, therefore, been in the administration’s plan to privatize public universities as has recently been alleged in some quarters.”

C“On the contrary, the administration is keen on ensuring that university education is accessible, affordable and attainable to all students, regardless of their location or level of income. One of the flagship initiatives we are undertaking in this regard is the establishment of the National Open University of Kenya,” Stated the Education CS.

He noted that while the Government will continue to play its part, universities must also play their part in securing their sustainability going into the future.

“Our public universities should adopt the posture of 21st Century universities and position themselves to thrive in the emerging challenges and opportunities. The programmes that our universities offer should be tailored to the demands of the national, regional and global development agenda. This will make the universities and their graduates relevant to society’s socio-economic needs,” he stressed.

He observed that one way universities can foster relevance, is by them specializing in certain niches instead of generalizing programmes.

“Relevant, focused and specialized programmes are the primary ways of attracting students and funding. In the era of increased regional integration, universities need to look beyond our national boundaries and expand their catchment areas to the entire region. Boosting online presence and access will be key in this regard. Their wide alumni networks, as other universities have done across the world, to mobilize resources in support of scholarship.” Summed the CS.



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