Constituency to spend Ksh. 89 million to fund needy students

By Enock Okong’o

Kitutu Masaba Constituency will spend Ksh. 89 million for Education Fund bursaries from the NG-CDF for needy students in secondary schools, middle level colleges and universities.

Speaking at his Engoko Centre office, area MP Clive Gisairo said that the first phase of Ksh. 52 million had been released to fund 3,815 students in the secondary schools and universities.

“We decided to issue these funds in phases depending on how the National treasury will release them,” he said.

He revealed that a total of 7,500 students applied for the funds but his committee had to scrutinize them to ascertain that only deserving cases benefitted.

The MP disclosed that he agreed with the six Members of County Assembly (MCAs) from his Constituency to pull resources together towards funding education projects in the Constituency.

“My Constituency has two Sub-counties; Manga and Masaba North, each with three wards. We have agreed to consolidate the funds to assist our children to get quality education,” he added.

Mr. Gidairo said that the next phase of the education fund allocation of Ksh. 27 million will be disbursed after the remaining applications have been processed.

In a joint meeting with the MP, all the six MCAs agreed to work together as a team.

Led by Kennedy Nyameino of Gesima ward, the MCAs said that they will use the Ward Bursary Education Fund to support students in Form One and Form Two who come from the poor homes while the MP will use the NG-CDF to fund those in Form Three, Form Four and Universities.

His sentiments were supported by Henry Obwaya and Samuel Ogeto of Gachuba and Manga ward respectively.

Others who showed support to the new plan of funding education development include James Mating’a of Kemera ward.

He said the new arrangement will avoid duplication of education projects funding in the constituency.

“This will be a prudent way of utilizing the little available financial resources to help our people,” he said.

The MCA appealed to the parents and guardians of needy students from the area to guide them on how to apply and get funds.

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