Education ministry names new county directors

By Allan Kibet

The Ministry of Education (MoE) has named new county directors and has also made few transfers and promotions.

In the latest posting, the ministry has named Veronica Mwaka as the new education director in Kilifi County to replace Khalif Hirie.

Until her posting to Kilifi County, Mwaka was the sub-county education director in Tharaka-Nithi County.

At one time, Mwaka also served as the sub-county director of education in Malindi, Kilifi County.

Hirie, who is the immediate former Kilifi County Director of Education (CDE), has been transferred to Taita Taveta County in a similar capacity.

At the same time, Ahmed Abdi is the new CDE for Kwale County.

Ahmed replaces Martin Cheruiyot, who was deployed to Kajiado County to serve in a similar capacity.

The new Kwale CDE was serving in the same office in Wajir County.


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2 thoughts on “Education ministry names new county directors

  1. Information is power. Education news has remained to be a beacon of knowledge in the education sector.
    Keep it up

    1. Thanks Mr. Njata for your compliments. We will continue to serve you even better. Be blessed-Editor

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