Teacher collapses, dies during school sports training exercise

By Enock Okong’o
A dark cloud of sadness has engulfed Nyabisase Secondary School fraternity as a teacher died during a sports training exercise.
According to sources from the school, the teacher was training students for the term’s ball matches at the school field when he collapsed and suddenly died on Friday.
“We had assembly at the field when he fell down and died,” reported one of his students.
The police were informed of the incident before they took the body to Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital Mortuary for autopsy.
The Kenya Secondary Schools Teacher’s Welfare Association Secretary from Nyamache Branch, Josephat Maisiba, said the death took them by surprise.
“We lack words to say about this death because the teacher was well until he took the students to the field for training when he met his death,” he remarked in disbelieve.
Police at the scene identified the deceased as Richard Anyona of Nyabisase Secondary School.
Kisii County police Commander Charles Kessesi confirmed the unfortunate event.
He also confirmed that his police officers had started investigation into the matter to find the cause of the teacher’s death.
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