Women-rep warns kangaroo courts handling defilement cases

Fight against FGM

By Gilbert Kobi

Kisii County Women Representative has warned the Regional Administration personnel that it will not be business as usual if kangaroo courts will continue to deliberately drag cases that touch on rape and defilement in the area.

Speaking while having guidance and counseling sessions with young school going girls in her office, the Women Representative Hon. Doris Donya, expressed her worries that there were tendencies of people in administration who might give directions on how some defilement and rape cases should be handled, denying justice to victims.

“It really hurts me as a woman first and as a leader that some people assemble after the incidences have happened and make some cruel decisions that instead of the victim getting justice its vice versa,” the angered Donya said noting that some cases get out of hand after the kangaroo court’s decision goes without knowing the magnitude of the damage to the victim.

The county leader said that through her ‘Donya Charity Mission,’ young girls will go to school without any hindrance like before where there were many hiccups like lack of sanitary towels and stigma that comes with effects of the aftermath of defilement.

“With the availability of sanitary towels now in my leadership, missing school due to monthly periods will be a thing of the past,” she posed adding that kangaroo courts that handle defilement cases ignorantly will get no mercy for justice must be served fairly.

The ‘Donya Charity Mission’ was initiated to help needy and vulnerable persons in Kisii County to have a smile on their faces and by among other things; provide food, clothing, offering sanitary towels to young school going girls and guidance and counseling.

Recently, the legislator helped a defilement victim in Nyakongo where her relative was arrested and later released in an unclear circumstance in order to escape facing the proper justice systems in place.

“These kangaroo courts should be put to rest because we cannot have defilers roaming freely in the society we are living in after they have done wrong. The law should be allowed to take its course,” she lamented observing that any provincial administrator who will be found assisting this cruel process will be dealt with.

She gave hope to young girls who have given birth and those who are pregnant not to give up for life must continue and goals can still be achieved if one has a devoted spirit.

“Young mother who have dropped out of school and those pregnant, do not consider yourself cursed for you can rise up again, pick up from where you left and move on successfully,” she concluded stating that she will avail herself to offer counseling for these girls to make a difference in the society.


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