Joy for girls in Nairobi after NGO donates sanitary pads

By Obegi Malack

Education For Kids in Kenya, a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) of well-wishers from Belgium, has supplied sanitary pads to girls in five schools in Nairobi to enable them stay in school even during their periods.

Speaking at Bethsaida Children Centre in Kayole after they provided education and mentorship on puberty, menstrual health and hygiene in the schools, the organization chairperson Jean Marie told Education News that they have sponsored a number of projects in Africa particularly in Kenya focusing on supporting education for vulnerable children.

Marie who visited Dandora, Kayole and Kisii with colleagues said they started supporting the home after a well-wisher approached them when the home burnt down leaving its 42 children homeless.

The Home founder Fidelis Wangare said the sponsors made a huge difference because most of its children were struggling to remain in school.

Roisa Kerry, the CEO of Live Healthy Initiatives which promotes access to antimicrobial sanitary pads, education and awareness lauded the NGO for sponsoring and changing the lives of many vulnerable children.

Johanna Ochieng Omolo Foundation (JOOF) Chairman Godfrey Abuko said that on their part they nurture footballers and award them with scholarships to further their education and also donates sanitary pads to school girls.

Education For Kids in Kenya sponsors children in Dandora and Kayole areas in Nairobi, Watamu and Malindi with some of them in university while a majority are in primary and secondary schools.

The NGO manages a school in Etago, Kisii County where they pay salaries for teachers and children access study in the school for free.

They also support a number of children through JOOF which was founded by Johanna Ochieng, a Kenyan professional footballer who plays for Harambee Stars and Belgian club URSL Visé.

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