Girl about to miss high school admission gets full scholarship

By Gastone Musyoka

A bright but needy 2022 KCPE girl in Matungulu Constituency is all smiles after she was awarded full scholarship to pursue her secondary school studies.

Kasiva Katunge, 14, who scored 379 marks Tala S.A Primary school was at the brink of missing admission to Karima Girls High school due to financial constraints.

However, the area MP Stephen Mule came to the girl’s rescue yesterday when he awarded her the scholarship.

Mule issued out a cheque worth Ksh 45,000 which will cater for Kasiva’s term one school fees and other essential requirements including school uniform and other personal effects.

“Kasiva Katunge made Matungulu proud and as the NG-CDF board, we have agreed to sponsor her school fees in full,” said the MP.

He went on: “Her school fees and all other requirements will be taken care of as we have engaged the administration of Kenya High and laid down modalities on how the girl will be admitted and kept in school.”

The MP said 529 other needy students in the constituency who were identified after release of KCPE examination results will also benefit from scholarships to pursue secondary school education.

“We have set aside Ksh 45 million in our NG-CDF kitty which will go to education bursaries targeting all needy students in order to ensure none of them fails to achieve their academic goals due to lack of fees,” said Mule.

Kasiva could not hold back her tears as she thanked the MP for reigniting the drive to pursue her dream career.

“I want to thank the NG-CDF committee and particularly the MP for being kind. I promise to work hard in school so that I also make dreams come true for other girls in future,” she added.

She said that her dream to pursue a career in journalism had been rocked by doubts and despair after her parents indicated they were unable to afford her secondary school education.

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