Varsity partners with county to train youth on financial literacy

By Kamau Njoroge

Zetech University in collaboration with the Kiambu County Government has embarked on an initiative to train youth and women on entrepreneurship and financial literacy.

The University Vice Chancellor (VC) Prof Njenga Munene said that the skills imparted to the beneficiaries are aimed at honing their business skills and enabling them start and sustain their business ventures.

Speaking during the training session entailing 200 youth and women from Gatong’ora ward at the varsity’s Thika Road campus in Ruiru, Prof Munene said that a study has shown that most business start-ups in the area collapse after less than two years due to lack of business management knowledge.

“They are being trained on different areas of financial management and this is something we are doing widely at Zetech to empower the community. We are also training them on financial management, book-keeping and how to maintain and grow stocks. We are making the training regular to ensure that their businesses thrive,” Munene said.

The VC noted that majority of the trainees are owners of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) within the region. Already, 500 beneficiaries from Witeithie Ward in Juja sub-county have already received the training at the University’s Mang’u campus.

“As knowledge creators and disseminators, we have a role in supporting and nurturing SMEs by providing research resources, knowledge and expertise to succeed. This adds value to the community and economy as a whole,” he said.

Prof Munene explained that the training was critical to enable the beneficiaries to access and prudently utilize funding from either the county government, donor funding or other financial institutions like banks and Saccos.

“With the right knowledge and skills our people will be able to fully exploit the funding opportunities that are made available to them by the County government including the Jiinue Fund and other financial institutions so that they can  sustain and grow  their businesses. This way they will greatly contribute to the growth of their respective areas as well as the country’s economy,” Munene said.

Kiambu County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Youth, Sports and Communication executive Osman Korar said that the training was imperative in preparing the youths and women across the county for funding opportunities by the Governor, Kimani Wamatangi.

“We want the training to be scaled up to all the 60 wards in the county. The county government is working round the clock to make funds available to our youth and women so that they can initiate their own income generating activities; and when equipped with the right knowledge and know-how, their businesses will thrive,” Korar said.

Gatong’ora ward MCA Dan Gitau hailed the collaboration saying that it will go a long way  in  impacting the economic stability of the grassroots level across the county.

Gitau also noted that plans are at an advanced stage with Zetech University to train Form Four leavers from the area, especially those who hail from humble backgrounds.

“We are privileged to have such an institution in our area and therefore we will be exploring diverse areas of collaboration we can partner for the betterment of our people’s welfare,” Gitau said.

The ward rep also divulged plans to construct a market at Mutonya area within the ward which is expected to play a pivotal area in blossoming the area’s economy.

Some of the beneficiaries, Virginia Wangui and Jane Wangui, hailed the University and the county government for the noble opportunity saying that with the knowledge acquired they will be able to right the wrongs in their businesses and expect good proceeds.

Meanwhile, Prof Munene disclosed that the University will be collaborating with the county government to promote innovations in the county.

He noted that the University has already put up an innovation hub to incubate students and other scholars’ innovations adding that the county government will be critical in commercializing and turning the innovations into problem-solving novelties.


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