Governor pays full fees for boy who was dropping Form 1

By Wasike Elvis

Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii has sponsored a 2022 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) candidate, Gideon Kipkosgei who scored 361 marks in the national examination.

Kipkosgei was called to join AIC Chebisaas Boys, a National High school but due to financial constraints, he was still at home and had no hopes of joining Form One.

“As a matter of urgency, I have engaged with the school administration to admit him. I will pay for his school fees and support him through his four year education journey. My aim is to ensure that all bright and needy students access quality education,” the Governor said.

Speaking to the press after meeting the boy, his elder sister Immaculate Chesang and nominated Member of County Assembly (MCA) Hon. Magrina Kebenei, Governor Bii said he was ready to support his dream of becoming a Governor.

“My administration will ensure that the boy stays in school for the whole four years, I will pay his school fees, his shopping and other necessities,” said the Governor.

Mr. Bii further put on notice parents who were using their children to earn a living saying that they will be arrested and charged.

“In Uasin Gishu we want nothing but 100 percent transition. My administration will work with the County Commissioner to ensure that no child stays at home. Any parent who will be found using his or her school going child to earn a living will face the full force of the law,” he said.

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