Makueni high schools welcome Form Ones, prepare for 8.4.4 exit

By Lydia Ngoolo

A spot check by Education News as Form One admissions continues has established that many schools are now strategizing on how to carry on after the exit of the 8.4.4 system of education.

Mukaa Boys High school Chief Principal John M. Tuke said admissions began and going on smoothly as they target 432 Form Ones.

“300 out of 432 new comers are reporting on Thursday. The school had deferred the reporting day but 100 of them never saw the communication, so they came on Monday. The other 32 will report before Thursday,” said Tuke.

Mukaa Boys High school Chief principal John Tuke. Photo/Lydia Ngoolo.

Tuke noted that they are preparing for the exit of the 8.4.4 system which will leave a very big gap if not addressed in advance.

Due to this, he said that the institution will be left with four unoccupied classrooms.

“To address this issue, we have increased our intake from 345 to 432 students and next year God willing, we will take in 560 students. I tell you some workers might even be laid off due to financial constraints in many schools but we will continue preparing for that time with all possible solutions,” he said.

Mukaa Girls Principal Dr. Elizabeth Mutinda noted that the reporting was excellent as 150 out of 208 students reported during the first day.

Mukaa Girls Principal Elizabeth Mutinda. Photo/Lydia Ngoolo.

She noted that though they have been given 208 slots, they are going to increase it to 240 after looking at the turn up in preparation to 2025 as well.

“We intend to go up by one stream to address the impending challenge. The gap will affect schools but the government should as well increase our slots since underutilization may crop up,” said Mutinda.

She noted that fee payment to some parents was a challenge due to tough economic times but they enrolled them anyway while waiting for parents to act on their commitments to clear the fee.

Mwaani Girls Chief Principal Joan Muchina noted that they were expecting to receive 458 students by end of day one while 270 of them had already reported due to high demand for the school from bright students.

Mwaani Girls Chief Principal Joan Muchina. Photo/Lydia Ngoolo.

She noted that one way of addressing the impending gap is by increasing the intake.

Mbooni Girls Chief Principal Agnes Ithiga said they were expecting 296 students but 178 had reported.

She noted that there were around seven parents whose children missed in the admission list though they still admitted them. They were advised to visit Jogoo House for NEMIS change and transfer reversal.

Mbooni Girls Chief Principal Agnes Ithiga. Photo/Lydia Ngoolo.

She called upon the Ministry to transfer Grade Nine to secondary school.

Makueni Girls Deputy Principal Lillian Mutabari said they were targeting 336 students and 200 had been admitted already.

She called on the government to bring back the fee subsidy since parents were facing hardships in fee payment.

Makueni Girls Deputy Principal Lillian Mutabari. Photo/Lydia

Makueni Boys admission progressed smoothly with parents praising the teachers saying they were jovial and ready to serve them.

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