Senior chief who champions education in West Pokot

By Martin Ruto

Senior chief of Lomut location in West Pokot county Napetot Ywalit is a true educationist at heart.

Speaking to Education News in an exclusive interview, Ywalit said the education standards in his location greatly improved during his tenure as chief. Many boys and girls went to school.

He is known as the chief who gave parents who did not take their children to school sleepless nights as he strongly believed education is the key to the development of the society.

“From the time I was appointed assistant chief of Ptiasis sub-location, matters of development was at the top of my agenda,” he said, adding that when he became chief, together with the village elders, he moved from house to house to urge parents to take their children to school and informed them the importance of education.

Before his appointment as chief, the area had only two schools but the number slowly grew.

As he retires, he is a happy man who managed to achieve his agenda for the education sector

Napetot was born in 1942 in Lomut Location. At the age of 25 years, he was appointed as assistant chief of Ptiasis sub-location through acclamation by the residents at a Public Baraza which was being chaired by Amos sheriff who was the DC. He was later appointed chief.

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