Accord KCSE candidates a conducive environment as they do their exams, parents told

By Wambi Jonathan

Homa Bay County Executive Committee Member for Education (CECM) Martin Opere has urged parents and the public at large to accord form four candidates maximum security as they sit their national exams.

Speaking to the press in his office, Opere said the candidates require maximum security and a peaceful environment to do exams.

“The exams began today  and as we all know, they are critical for the next stage of our children’s lives. We should support them during this time by giving them ample time for revision,” he noted.

He warned against loud music being played near schools, adding further that disco matangas near schools should also stop with immediate effect.

Opere promised to take action against those who will be found going against such directives.

“Loud music, disco matanga or any other kind of distraction around schools should stop with immediate effect. Those found contravening these directives will be held accountable in courts of law,” he said.

The CECM urged parents to be good custodians of their children who are at home for the long holidays.

“Monitor the moves of your children so that they do not engage in destructive habits like drug and alcohol abuse,” he said, adding that the parents should encourage their children to study and finish holiday assignments.

Florence Ouma, a nominated MCA, urged parents to be more vigilant on their children’s whereabouts. She strongly emphasized on the need to be strict with the girl child to help curb early and unwanted pregnancies among students.

“Avoid sending our girls to markets at late hours of the day since that’s the time most of them use to meet rogue men who lure them into sexual pleasure with a promise of material gains,” she stated.

Students are currently on a two-month holiday which began on November 23 this year and shall end on January 23, 2023; whereby the normal school calendar will resume after being affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

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