Police Officer nabbed over alleged defilement of Form 4 candidate

By Kipilat Kapusia

A police officer is being held at Kapenguria Police Station over alleged defilement of a 17-year-old Form Four school girl.

Confirming the incident, West Pokot sub county Officer Commanding Police Division (OCPD) Kipkemboi Kirui said the Police Officer, Corporal James Njuguna was arrested by police officers and irate members of the public after they got a tip off that he had locked up a school girl inside his house at Keringet Police Station.

Mr. Kirui said the father to the juvenile, Joseph Kibet who hails from Keringet Trading Centre reported to the police station that his daughter, a candidate at Psurum Girls Secondary school went missing on Monday and he later learnt that she was residing with the Police Officer.

Keringet Officer Commanding Station (OCS) Stephen Kibet mobilized police officers to the scene and were joined by the public who broke into the Corporal’s house where they found the Officer and the juvenile.

“Both were arrested and escorted to the Station where they have been booked and placed in a police cell. The case has been forwarded to Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI) Kapenguria pending investigations,” he said.

He noted that the girl was taken to the hospital but she has not been cooperating with the police to hasten the investigations.

“The girl was at home for school fees and she decided to cohabit with the Police Officer who has served at Keringet Police Station for two years,” the OCPD said.

Officer Kirui added that the girl claimed to be 21 years old but her birth certificate indicates she is 17 year old.

“The girl insists that she is above 18 and the Police Officer is his man. The girl is a student and was born in 2005 according to her birth certificate”, he said.

The girl’s father wants the Police Officer to be taken to court and jailed.

“He has been doing the act for long and now we’ve nabbed and won’t spare him,” he said.

A girl child rights activist, Domtilah Chesang from Irep Foundation accused the police of turning against young girls despite being mandated to protect them. She called for the harshest punishment to be meted upon the Officer.

“I’m disappointed. The Policeman should face the full force of the law. We are trying to help the girl child yet some people are abusing them. We need girls to get educated and pursue their dreams,” she said.

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