Drought blamed for rising cases of malnutrition in Kajiado

By Obegi Malack


Data from Kajiado county Department of Health has revealed that the malnutrition rate in the county is at 10 percent, a percentage higher than the national level of 4 per cent.

The data, which was made public by Kajiado County Executive Committee Member for Health  Alex Kilouwa, showed that the stunting level is at 25.3 per cent.

The data was revealed during the celebrations to mark Prematurity Day in Ongata Rongai sub county hospital. The theme of the day was: “A parent’s embrace: a powerful therapy. Enable skin-to-skin contact from the moment of birth.

The statistics also showed that 887 pre term babies have been born between the months of May to October 2022 alone.

Kilouwa said global statistics show that about one in 10 babies are preterm-born.

He pointed out that hunger and inadequate food supply are still affecting large parts of the county’s population, with serious consequences for health and well-being felt by women and children.

“We are raising awareness that Skin-to-skin contact establishes the basis for the best development. It promotes the onset of breastfeeding and a healthy intestinal flora,” he said.

Kalouwa said preventing deaths among babies born prematurely is a public health priority. Nearly 85% of preterm babies are born between 32- and 37-weeks’ gestation and most of these babies do not need intensive care to survive. Preventing deaths and complications from preterm births starts with a healthy-pregnancy.

“If one experiences preterm labour or is at risk of preterm childbirth, treatments are available in our health facilities to help protect the preterm baby from future neurological impairment as well as difficulties with breathing and infection,” he said.

The county government has prioritized some key interventions in various health facilities including counseling on healthy diet, optimal nutrition, and tobacco and substance use; fetal measurements including use of early ultrasound; and a minimum of 8 contacts with health professionals throughout pregnancy to identify and manage risk factors such as infections.

The CECM member launched this year’s Malezi Bora week. Malezi Bora program is an initiative implemented nationally as a strategy to accelerate the utilization of maternal and child health and nutrition services offered in county health facilities.

During this Malezi Bora period, families and communities are encouraged to practice preventive measures such as ensuring that expectant mothers attend antenatal clinics, deliver their babies in health facilities, children are taken for immunization and that lactating mothers practice exclusive breast feeding and Vitamin A supplementation to boost their immunity and that of their babies. Vitamin A boosts immunity, reduces incidences morbidity and prevents night blindness.

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