Youth urged to keep peace as candidates prep for national examinations

By Enock Okong’o

The youth have been asked to keep and maintain the peace especially at this time when the Grade 6 and 7, Class 8 and Form Four candidates are preparing for their national examinations beginning late November.

“Without peace, development projects like education and farming are disrupted slowing down the growth of communities,” said Narok County Commissioner Hassan Noor.

The Commissioner was speaking to residents at Kilgoris High School when he presided over the surrender of illegally possessed arms in the area.

The administrator recounted with disgust how residents used to flock in schools for their security during the battles between the residents of Transmara and their neighbours from Kisii County.

“Let those archaic practices be buried in the deepest graves of forgetfulness,” he urged.

During the meeting, Noor revealed that his security office had recovered 105 guns through the government amnesty that was extended to them.

“When you coexist peacefully, you have time to attend to your farms, livestock and trade activities that are the pillars of economic stability,” he noted.

He asked the communities living along the Narok-Kisii border to encourage their children to mingle and play together so as to cultivate cohesion and peaceful coexistence for the sake of the future.

“I encourage our youth from these communities to intermarry and break the chains of tribalism that have held our people back for so long,” he said.

The Commissioner praised the Peace Committees from both Transmara and Kenyenya sub counties for their continued effort to assist the government identify areas of discontent for early mitigations.

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