MKU Director lauds alumni for uniting to develop former school

By Enock Okong’o

Mt. Kenya University Kisii Campus Director Dr. Simeon Nyakwara has lauded the alumni of Kiru Primary School in Kenyenya sub county for uniting to give back to their former school.

He encouraged them to continue with their humble beginning and use it as a stepping stone to enable them achieve greater feats.

The educationist was speaking at the school when he joined the alumni who took stock of the development needed by the school.

Dr. Simeon Nyakwara, Director Mt. Kenya University Kisii Campus.

During a brain storming session led by Mr. Omare Nteng’a, the old boys gave an impromptu donation of Ksh100,000 towards the renovation of dilapidated parts of the school and promised to mobilize more resources to further develop the school.

“We grew and schooled here. We should not shy off from developing the institution,” said John Kiage, who is now a retired primary school teacher.

The school head teacher Mr. Joash Mbeche who is also a former pupil of the school thanked the old boys for the kind gesture.

He took the chance to remind them the history of their school as one of the institutions that has produced impressive results over the years.

Mbeche revealed that the institution that hosts 1,200 pupils suffers from leaking roofs, ragged floors dilapidated latrine pits and class rooms.

“Unless we move with speed, our pupils might miss classes because the existing ones might not withstand the expected rains,” he briefed.

The wanting state of Kiru Primary School. Photo Enock Okong’o.

He said that the school Board of Management (BoM) had made many requests to the local NG-CDF office to assist with funds but the pleas had fallen on deaf ears.

The head teacher promised to lead the BoM to talk to the area MP Obadiah Barongo  to chip in and supplement the alumni’s assistance.

Mbeche later thanked Bokimonge Ward MCA Amos Onderi for his frequent visits to the school to motivate the learners by both speech and provision of  learning material.

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