Form two boy who committed suicide finally laid to rest

By Agnes Orang’o

A 17 year old boy who committed suicide in Makiliva area in Mwala sub county of Machakos county has been laid to rest.

Reagan Muindi Nzuki, a form two student at St. Mark Secondary school committed suicide a few days ago and the family is still at a loss, clueless on what drove him to take his life.

According to the family the boy was bubbly and calm and the motive for suicide is still a mystery.

The only strange incident about him that  they can recall is when he was found with a stolen bicycle.

He admitted to have stolen the bicycle belonging to a friend from the area and the family had to sell two goats to compensate for the bicycle and he agreed.

“The owner of the bicycle discovered the bike while at a repair shop and raised concerns.Our family was notified about the incident and accepted to compensate the other family,”said a relative.

After the incident the boy went missing only to be found dead two days later. His decomposing body was discovered dangling from a tree by a boy herding goats.

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