MP, Professionals come to the aid of needy school

By Enock Okong’o

Botaranda Primary School has received a total of 20 desks from the area Member of Parliament to improve learners learning environment.

A vehicle ferrying desks to Botaranda Primary School. Photo Enock Okong’o

In his speech which was read by the School Board of Management (BOM) Chairperson Samuel Obwaya who handed over the desks to the school on October 26, 2022, the MP Nolfason Obadiah Barongo stressed his desire to embrace education as the main equalizer of communities.

“We shall endeavour to provide quality education to our children by providing basic materials like desks,classrooms and books,” said the MP.

Bomachoge NG-CDF Manager gets a feel of a new desk at Botaranda Primary School. Photo Enock Okong’o.

He thanked Botaranda Professionals Association (BOPA) led by Joel Omagwa for steering education development in the community and further appealed to those from the community who live in the diaspora to channel their resources towards the support of education development as a way of giving back to society.

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