Special schools urged to use given funds prudently

By Agnes Orang’o

Former Kitui senator David Musila has urged schools with units for the disabled to effectively use funds given to them by the National Fund for the Disabled of Kenya (NFDK).

Speaking at St. Marys Primary school in Matungulu while commissioning a 2.2 million dining hall, he revealed that there were schools which were not utilizing the funds to the benefit of the students as expected.

David Musila, board of trustee member at NFDK presents a certificate to the head teacher at St. Marys primary school.

Musila who is also a board trustee of the Fund hailed the school for bringing out a project worth the money given to them.

“We do our best to make life easier for those living with disability; the government has set aside a budget that enables us to do projects like this. I’m glad I can see quality for the money unlike other institutions which do projects that collapse after a short period of time,” he said.

The senator appealed to institutions in need of the fund to make applications and clarified that the funds were not confined to children only but also disabled adults could apply.

The school headteacher, Anne Mukola said that she applied for the funds in order to provide a decent place to take their meals during lunch and supper.

“The learners will now enjoy their meals comfortably. They are now expected to perform better in their studies.” Mukola said.

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