MP commits his entire salary towards educating needy students

Shinyalu school

By Denis Lumiti          

Shinyalu Member of Parliament (MP) Fred Ikana said he will commit his full salary for the next five years towards sponsoring the education of needy students in the constituency.

“I will not use any penny of my pay for personal use. I have committed my full salary towards charity work and the money will be channeled directly to ‘Ikana Maendeleo Foundation’ for the betterment of the lives of poor residents of Shinyalu,” the MP said.

He said that his salary shall be channeled towards his foundation every month to uplift the lives of his constituents with a huge chunk of the funds being used to pay fees for needy students in secondary and tertiary institutions.

Speaking in the constituency recently, he unveiled new officials who will steer the foundation, led by Pastor Bernard Indeche.

The foundation has been instrumental in transforming lives of the residents through initiatives such as education scholarships, shelter, school uniforms and other poverty alleviation programmes.

This endeared Ikana to the residents who overwhelmingly voted for him in the August 9th, 2022 elections.

“I did not seek to become MP for personal gains but due to my desire to serve my people. This is why I will use all my pay towards this cause,” he added.

He said he would also raise more funds from friends and partners through fundraising to ensure he lowered the levels of poverty in his constituency.

The MP is already sponsoring the education of over 100 learners in a number of top secondary schools, colleges and universities.

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