Teachers celebrate their students as teachers’ global fete continues

By Lydia Ngoolo

As teachers continue celebrating the World Teachers’ day, many are celebrating the success of their students over the time they have been in service.

St. Peter Thange Principal Mr. Henry Mwali who joined the service in 1995 said 70 percent of the students who have passed through his hands are now successful people in life.

On matters CBC, he said there was need to configure and demystify the system since many did not have enough information about it.

“It’s not bad but the level of preparedness is wanting and we need to revisit it,” he added.

He called upon teachers to help nurture students and help them choose the best careers for them when still young.

However, he decried drug substance abuse by students as a major challenge stating that even girls are involved in the vice nowadays.

Makuli Principal Peter Mutua Muteti who happens to be a national athletics coach, joined the service in 1989. He said that he has nurtured many talents during his term and many have joined the world of sports.

“I have over 40 students whom I identified and nurtured their talents in Makuli camp. Just to mention a few, Nelson Mandela and Nixon Mandela are in Japan, Winfred Mbithe in the Police service among others,” he said.

He however noted that many parents ignored and failed committing to nurture their children’s talents and asked them to reverse the trend as nowadays people did not rely on education alone to make a living.

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