Parents urge governor to install new security lights for their children’s safety

By Agnes Orang’o

Parents in Kangundo town are worried about the security of their school-going children who use the Kwa Akamba road early in the morning.

This is after the security lights of the road heading to Kangundo Hospital from Kwa Akamba market were vandalized thus endangering the lives of the students.

The security lights are said to be installed three years ago by former Member of County Assembly (MCA) but got destroyed by unknown people and were never replaced. The road which is bushy is always very dark early in the morning and attracts petty thieves.

“We are worried about our children who use the road as early as 5 am in the morning going to school. We would like to ask the county government to replace the wrecked lights so as to ensure security,” said one of the parents.

According to the parents, they said that their worries went mostly to the girl child who was prone to rape.

“This road which has been a hotbed of crime was lit by former MCA but they were later vandalized by people we suspect are the same thieves who waylay locals and attack them,” said another parent.

They urged the County government to intervene in the matter by installing new security lights for the sake of their children.

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