Kitui senatorial aspirant’s son passes away days to his graduation

By Lydia Ngoolo

Oliver Muinde 25, the son to Kitui senatorial aspirant and educationist Julius Muinde Mutukaa lost his life in an accident on 15th July as he was traveling to Kenyatta University to collect his graduation gown.

He was supposed to graduate today 22nd July but his life was cut short along six other passengers after a gas cylinder exploded on board a matatu they were in at Kwa Majini Bridge in Matuu, Machakos county.

“The late Oliver’s body was burnt beyond recognition. Yes, he was among the dead but we could not recognize him. I thank the government chemist for conducting DNA test quickly after which we were able to positively identify him,” said Mutukaa.

Oliver, who left his parents’ home in Kasevi village in Mwingi Central a joyous man and full of hopes, had already started practicing teaching in one of his father’s schools and was doing very well before death stung.

“He was very hardworking, outgoing and a devoted Christian. We had much hope in him but we accept the will of God,” said the father.

The aspiring senator, who has heavily invested in education and owns several top academies in Mwingi and Mwingi Teachers Training College, is yet to come to terms with the loss of his first born son.

He said that the family  had a lot of hope in his departed son.

“My son had just completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Education and he had travelled to collect his graduation gown from Kenyatta University. We were eagerly waiting for his graduation. It is sad and unfortunate that while his classmates will be graduating, we will be finalizing my son’s burial preparations,” noted Mutukaa.

The bereaved aspirant called upon the government to outlaw ferrying of gas cylinders in Public Service Vehicles to prevent such cases in future.

He concluded by saying that his political aspirations are still alive and  called upon Kitui people to elect him as their next senator.

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