Police boss cautions boda boda operators against recruiting students

By Education News Reporter

Nyamira County Commissioner Mr. Michael Lesimamu has issued a stern warning to boda boda operators involving students in their business.

He said that his office had received numerous complaints from parents whose sons had played truant as schools reopened for third term and opted to join the business.

“My office has taken note of this and my offices have laid traps to arrest the culprits,” he said.

He asked Nyamira sub county Police Commander Moses Kirong’ to instruct all boda boda stage chairmen to ascertain that each boda boda operating under their group was registered so as to flush out the school boys hiding among them.

The Commissioner further urged boda boda riders to observe traffic rules so as not to endanger them and their passengers.

On his part, Mr. Kirong observed that some boda boda operators indulged in love affairs with school girls whom they gave free rides in exchange for illicit premarital affairs.

“If you’re caught preying on underage girls, you will be arrested and arraigned for violating children’s rights,” he warned.

Mr. Kirong asked the public to report to his offices any adult who abuses children.

He promised to reward and protect anybody who reports child abuse and related cases to his office.

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