Varsity architect murdered in Tharaka Nithi

By John Majau

A Chuka University architect has allegedly been murdered by his wife in cold blood before she hang herself at his Kamacuku home in Maara constituency, Tharaka Nithi County.

The body of Moses Kirimi Mati, a Chuka University architect and Head of the Estates department was found in a pool of blood in the parking lot of his homestead.

The body of his wife, Pamela Wanja, was discovered later hanging from the balcony of their four-storey building.

Next to Mr Mati’s body was a blood-stained metal rod believed to have been used to hit him on the head several times, fracturing his skull.

Ms. Wanja’s clothes and a Toyota double-cabin pickup parked near Mr Mati’s body also had bloodstains.

Police also discovered a suicide note believed to have been written by Ms Wanja  apologizing to their three children for the deaths and urging them to pursue education to the highest level possible.

Maara sub-county Police Commander Mohammed Jarso said CCTV footage at the building had captured the scuffle that happened prior to the incident.

“We have discovered a suicide note with the names of their three children and an apology and our preliminary investigations show that it was written by the wife before killing herself by hanging using a rope,” said Mr Jarso.

The officer said cases of spouses killing each other were on the rise in the region and urged married partners to separate instead of killing someone or resorting to suicide.

Chuka University management sent condolences to the family and encouraged members of staff with family disputes to seek counselling before things got out of hand.

A psychologist who is also a university lecturer said lack of proper communication between married partners was to blame for most cases of domestic violence.

The professional, who sought anonymity because of her relationship with the deceased man said instead of involving a counsellor, many couples remained silent leading to depression.

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