MP urges parents to provide moral support to local schools

By Enock Okong’o

Bomachoge Borabu MP has asked his residents to support and invest in quality education.

Speaking at Gesabakwa Primary school at his constituency, MP Prof. Zadoc Ogutu told parents that support even if not financial, goes a long way in propelling schools forward.

He said that school management committees needed more moral support than criticism to enable them focus on ensuring excellent performance.

“If you want our pupils to grow academically, love them and their teachers by ensuring a conducive environment in all aspects,” he said.

He further commended and asked teachers to continue working hard in molding  pupils by providing them with competent skills that will enable them thrive as they transform into Junior Secondary school learners.

While praising the new Competency Based Curriculum (CBC), he urged the parents to join him in supporting the curriculum saying that it encourages bonding between parents and pupils unlike the previous system.

In addition, Mr Zadoc asked the residents to form alumni associations to assist their former schools by developing infrastructure and motivating the young learners.

The legislator asked them to borrow a leaf from the neighbouring Botaranda Professionals Association (BOPA) who have assisted Eberege Primary school by working hand in hand with the school management for the last 15 years enabling it to turn into one of the top performers in Kisii County.

Mr Zadoc pledged to inject more funds for education from the NG-CDF kitty to improve the infrastructure of Gesabakwa Primary School if re-elected.

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