The future looks bright for CBC amid current confusion, assures KEPSHA Chair

By Agnes Orang’o

In a few months’ time, the first batch of children under the Competency-Based Curriculum will be sitting their final exams before joining Junior Secondary School (JSS).

However, as days go by, parents express their fear and confusion about the modalities to be used to select their children for JSS.

In an interview with some parents, they said the government has not come clear on how the placement will be done, citing the debate as to whether they will be domiciled in high schools and how their small children will relate with the big boys and girls.

“It would have been better if they would have just continued in their respective primary schools,” Evelyn Mwelu, a parent told Education News.

Nonetheless, Kangundo Sub-county Kenya Primary Schools Heads Association chairman John Ndambuki asked parents to be calm, reassuring that the government had put good measures into place.

He noted that as time for transition to JSS approaches, the government will come clean on how things will be done and answer all their questions.

“There is no need to worry; everything will be sorted out by the government. Those worrying about their young children should know that they will be secure and well taken care of,” he said.

Ndambuki urged parents to support and get involved in the activities undertaken by their children, praising CBC as the model of education that is in line with current global trends.

He noted that the curriculum is also bringing back the African culture that was slowly getting buried, as well as letting children explore their talents.

“The 21st century cannot be wished away. CBC is the most significant mode of education that should be supported by everyone and more so parents. Go for meetings in schools when called,” he said.

He called upon teachers also call parents with grade one pupils for induction on CBC so that they can identify with what their children are learning.

The chairman observed that after a few years, the curriculum will have taken root to run smoothly.

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