Stranded student with prosthetic leg relieved to finally join Form One

By John Majau

Glory Mukiri, a student who scored 367 marks in 2021 KCPE but could not report to Form One due to lack of fees can now breathe a sigh of relief after finally getting help.

Mukiri performed well in the national examination despite being disabled and having to use one leg. She later received assisted to get a prosthetic replacement.

After her story was highlighted in the media, Mike Makarena, the Chairman of the Meru County Committee for People Living with Disability came to her rescue.

Makarena, a prominent businessman who was crippled after a road accident over 10 years ago said he and head of Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), George Kinoti, were touched by the girl’s plight and decided to pay her school fees.

Makarena paid Sh48,435, an entire year’s school fees as uniforms, shoes, books and other personal effects required by school amounting to Sh17,690 were donated by Kinoti.

Makarena pledged to help her with shopping every term for the full year to ensure she does not lack anything while in school.

“Despite the fact that she had one leg and endured the challenges of going to school on a prosthetic one, she worked hard in school and was disciplined as well. She is a humble girl and well behaved and her performance in the KCPE is a testimony to what she can achieve if given the assistance she requires to excel,” Makarena stated.

Mr Makarena said Mukiri’s plight was made worse by the fact that she comes from an arid area where residents struggle to get water and food for their families.

Kubai Mamira, a community volunteer who brought Mukiri’s plight to the attention of the media and leaders, said  they were relieved as a community that the family of the girl had got some relief after years of burden.

Kaari Mururu, Mukiri’s mother shed tears of joy when Makarena visited the family to take her, and her daughter for shopping before driving them to school.

“We are very grateful for Makarena, Mamira and the newspapers for highlighting our story because they have made my daughter’s dream to go to secondary school come true,” she said.

The girl was all smiles as she stepped into her new school and promised to work hard as well.

“I love books and I always spent all my time reading. I want to achieve my dream to be a doctor. Doctors treat people and bring a lot of joy to people in the community. I want to also treat people and make them happy,” said the overjoyed girl.


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