Boy stuns sleepy village with blockbuster KCSE results

By Martin Ruto

A young boy by the name Gilbert Rotich surprised his village with a straight A in the 2021 KCSE.

As soon as the announcement reached the people of Lityei village, songs, dance and jubilation rented the air as the boy was carried shoulder high by the dusty and haggard villagers.

Other neighbouring villages joined to celebrate the boy’s victory. The news had soon spread to Tartar, Junction, Kaplelachkoror, Nasokol and Makutano townships.

Joining the celebrations were several prominent personalities, including Augustin Psinen, a former Agricultural Finance Cooperation officer, Richard Siree, a neighbor and opinion leader, Martin Sembelo, KNUT Executive Secretary West Pokot Branch, and the Makutano Parish Priest Fr. Martin Wekesa.

Gilbert Rotich was born in 2004 in Lityei village in Kapenguria Division of West Pokot County.

He is the fifth child of Benson Domoo, a teacher in Marakwet County and Fridah Domoo, who teaches at Galib Lityei Primary School.

He joined his local primary school where he emerged with 390 marks in 2017.

He would later join St. Anthony Boys High School in Kitale for his secondary education, throwing his people into elation with his achievement. He was among other three candidates in the school who scored grade A.

“I focused on my education, worked very hard with my colleagues in school and with the help of my teachers to deliver the result,” said Gilbert.

He said he would like to be a surgeon in future because surgeons from the West Pokot County are very few.


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