Diversify skills set to survive competition, learners advised

By Kage Njoroge

Students have been called upon to embrace critical thinking in their studies to acquire relevant skills which would enable them to cope with emerging challenges in contemporary times.

According to Engineer Joseph Muli, learners need to build their intellectual capacities with different skills to make them innovative in the work place.

He was speaking during a mentorship programme for students held at Gakoigo Primary School in Maragua, Murang’a County. The annual event is geared   to empower, mentor, build capacity, stimulate and expose learners in the region and is facilitated by Karen-Lang’ata Rotary Club led by chairman Jeff Gitau.

Muli observed that available employment opportunities are diminishing and the young people should creatively and innovatively create new jobs for themselves.

He said with proper training, determination and right attitude, the youth could  create new employment  by  using locally available resources  and materials to make marketable products.

The structural and manufacturing expert pointed  out that the country  is well endowed  with natural resources  and  the youth  need  to apply emergent technologies, skills, creativity  and entrepreneurship to process  new products  and services  required in the fast changing  market.

He urged students to re-shape their mindset from being job seekers to creators of employment, as well as exploit the plenty resources provided by nature in the local environment.

The Rotary club has established several facilities in the school hosting the function to make it hospitable for learners.

Muli told the students to embrace values of discipline, effective time management, hard work, self-confidence, culture, and moral strength to be able to face the increasing challenges in modern dispensation.

He further asked those who were better endowed with resources to supplement government efforts by providing support to learning institutions, saying Kenyans had an obligation to support the education sector with requisite materials.


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