Details of newly appointed teachers in last three years revealed

By Allan Kibet

A total of 18,585 secondary school teachers have been appointed by Teachers Service Commission (TSC) in the last three years with Kakamega County taking the largest share of 711 teachers appointed in the successive years followed by Bungoma and Kitui with 597 and 584 respectively.

Counties that took the least shares of appointments among the 18,585 teachers were Isiolo, Lamu and Tana River Counties with 32, 61 and76 teachers respectively.

The 18,585 in the TSC appointments can be broken down into 7,888 teachers in the 2018/2019 period, 5,166 in 2019/2020 and 5,531 teachers in 2020/2021 fiscal year.

2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021
1 BARINGO 101 75 176
2 BOMET 202 190 392
3 BUNGOMA 302 295 597
4 BUSIA 162 119 281
6 EMBU 138 82 220
7 GARISSA 167 25 192
8 HOMA BAY 328 199 527
9 ISIOLO 27 5 32
10 KAJIADO 50 39 89
11 KAKAMEGA 393 318 711
12 KERICHO 138 136 274
13 KIAMBU 167 146 313
14 KILIFI 147 125 272
15 KIRINYAGA 106 73 179
16 KISII 289 185 474
17 KISUMU 186 135 321
18 KITUI 390 194 584
19 KWALE 89 56 145
20 LAIKIPIA 84 49 133
21 LAMU 44 17 61
22 MACHAKOS 263 181 444
23 MAKUENI 321 192 513
24 MANDERA 200 27 227
25 MARSABIT 117 8 125
26 MERU 281 180 461
27 MIGORI 334 196 530
28 MOMBASA 80 34 114
29 MURANGA 189 134 323
30 NAIROBI 155 70 225
31 NAKURU 293 238 531
32 NANDI 208 143 351
33 NAROK 88 92 180
34 NYAMIRA 126 85 211
35 NYANDARUA 207 111 318
36 NYERI 108 81 189
37 SAMBURU 58 23 81
38 SIAYA 209 170 379
39 TAITA TAVETA 96 51 147
40 TANA RIVER 60 16 76
41 THARAKA NITHI 37 74 111
42 TRANS NZOIA 295 158 453
43 TURKANA 67 44 111
44 UASIN GISHU 164 92 256
45 VIHIGA 167 125 292
46 WAJIR 53 29 82
47 WEST POKOT 154 87 241
TOTAL 7888 5166 5531

The teacher employer also in the last three years from 2018 to 2021 appointed a total of 3,654 Heads of Institutions.

At the same time, a total of 22, 239 teachers including newly employed teachers and Head of Institutions underwent Induction, Mentorship and Coaching (TIMEC) programme initiated by TSC.

“The Commission, in its Strategic Plan 2019 -2023, committed to implement mentorship and coaching as a preventive strategy that pre-empts indiscipline amongst teachers rather than corrective mechanisms in management of discipline,” stated Dr. Macharia in the policy document.

Currently in the country, there are 341,760 active teachers employed by TSC while 170,000 are in the private sector teaching in private institutions and another 238,686 are registered by the commission but are yet to be absorbed either in the private sector or in government.

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