Division greets ECDE training over contributions for meeting

By Enock Okong’o

Division is looming among teachers of ECDE of Homabay County over payment of money to facilitate their meeting on June 6.

According to their National Chairman, Mr. Lawrence Otunga, he had instructed the branch interim officials to mobilize members to join their trade union  called KUNOPPET that will enable  them gain power to bargain for their salary increment and job security.

“The purpose of the meeting is to mobilize our members and sensitize them on their professional rights.” he wrote on their Whatsapp group.

It was from those instructions that teachers from the county created a Whatsapp group and asked each member to contribute Sh100 towards hiring a hall for the meeting.

Others complained that they could not raise the money from the little they are paid from the county government and also their employers from the private schools who pay them as little as Sh2,000 per month.

Those who have attachment to politicians advised their colleagues to seek their assistance but the proposal was received with grudges because this, they urged will sell their loyalty to the politicians.

The disagreement remains unresolved until they contribute the money.

In a copy seen by this reporter, only 24 members had paid a total of Sh2,400 towards the their course.

Michael Ojodhe, one of the members asked his colleagues to pay the money because it will help them to come together.

“My friends, I urge you to pay the money because things from our employer are in the right track,” he said.

“Dear colleagues,let us honour our  Union because it  will  be our main tool of fighting for our rights,” wrote Lilian Achieng.

The National Chairman Mr. Otunga asked teachers to meet as early as possible to deliberate on matters affecting them.

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