Gov’t to return female school dropouts in mop up exercise

By Tsozungu Kombe

All education stakeholders in Kilifi County have been urged to work as a team so as to ensure all girls who dropped out of school are taken back and to also ensure schools meet 100 percent transition of 2021 KCPE candidates to secondary schools in the region.

Speaking to Education News in his office in Kilifi town recently, Kilifi County Commissioner, Mr. Kutswa Olaka, he urged education stakeholders in the county to return to school all school girls who have been married off and those who have also been impregnated to ensure that they (school girls) return to school after giving birth to continue with their education.

He also disclosed that the government will soon conduct a crackdown of all school girls who have been married off and those ones who have given birth to ensure they have returned to school to continue with their studies.

He said that early marriages and early pregnancies among school girls contributed to low education levels in the area.

Olaka added that it was the responsibility of education stakeholders and parents to take all form one students who got admissions in secondary schools to pursue education in the country.

He emphasized the importance of education in the country, noting that it plays a vital role in terms of future development.

The County Commissioner further asked parents in the county to ensure that all their Form One entrants report to their respective schools where they got admission without failure.

However, Mr. Olaka noted that the county’s rapid development needed educated people who will be charged with the responsibility of designating, planning and implementing community development projects.

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