Kisumu Boys to be relocated as it sits idly on prime land

By Allan Kibet

Kisumu City County Governor, Prof. Anyang Nyong’o has revealed plans to move schools occupying big chunks of land within the city to the outskirts in order to put the land into ‘better’ use. One of the schools affected is Kisumu Boys High School that sits squarely within the city center and is to be moved to Kibos area.  

In a renewed push to relocate the schools, the governor said that the county government was exploring ways of making the schools share amenities in a bid to commercialize the land, making it more profitable for the county.

“Considering the value of the place, that land needs to be useful. We need to construct an integrated urban center rather than schools. Each school has a field, a swimming pool and other amenities that have occupied large parcels of land.  Why don’t we take them to an area where schools share amenities? We do not need to have a field for each school in a town.

Five schools can have one field because they do not use it all the time. Students from school A can use it the morning and in the afternoon school B brings its students,” said Governor Nyong’o while speaking to Journalists on May 4 in Nairobi ahead of Africities Summit that is purposed to be held in Kisumu from May 17 to May 21.

Other schools within the city center that will be affected by the relocation plans include Kisumu Girls High School and Manyatta Arabs School.

The relocation of schools in Kisumu City has been a subject of discussion in the past few years.

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