Triplets with disabled parent worried about joining Form One

By Cally Imbai

Dentrick Apuya, Ashleen Ajema and Ivety Muhonja are triplets who sat the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examination this year and exhibited a commendable performance.

The three who hail from Kwava village, Shiamoni sub-location, Malava constituency in Kakamega County   are deeply worried that their hard work and breath taking effort may go down to ashes as their father who is not only a peasant farmer who likewise does manual jobs to fend for a leaving is also partially blind.

“Our Father who is the breadwinner for the family may not manage the required school fees for High school for the three of us. He cannot do any job that can earn him good money to educate us owing to his eye sight challenges,” said Apuya, the son.

Muhonja, Apuya and Ajema who are 14 years old sat their examinations at Lunyinya Primary School in Malava constituency garnered 340 marks, 301 marks and 277 marks respectively but they are staring at a possibility of not joining secondary school due to the financial challenges their parent is facing.

The triplets Dentrick Apuya, Ashleen Ajema and Ivety Muhonja with their Father Joseph Alfayo.

The Father Mr. Joseph Alfayo who used to work as a carpenter and later operated a Bodaboda transport business said since his eyes developed a medical complication, he can no longer do work because after diagnosis he was asked not to do any work that can strain his eyes one of which pleads internally if strained.

“I’m in dilemma. I don’t know what to do to enable these children to go to secondary school and live their dreams in the future. I used to work as a Bodaboda man when my eyes developed a complication which has rendered me unable to do any jua kali work for income.” Alfayo said

He appealed to the government and well-wishers to step in and help his bright and promising children to pursue their education and achieve their dreams.

“I’m short of words when I look at the fee structures of the schools my children have been called to join. The tuition fees of one of them totals to about Ksh. 35,000, the other is about Ksh.38,000 and the other one is about 36,000 tuition fees alone before adding uniforms, books and other requirements which may total to approximately Ksh. 200,000. This will be very difficult for me to raise.” He said

Alfayo appealed the the area Member of Parliament Hon. Malulu Injendi to assist him and other needy parents with the bursary fund before the parliament is called off for the official campaigns.

Apuya who scored 301 marks and the only Boy among the three is supposed to join St. Joseph Mumias Secondary school, Muhonja received a letter from Kaboson girls high school in Bomet and Ajema is waiting to be received at Kakunga girls in Malava.

Apuya’s dream is to teach in the university as a lecturer in future, Ajema would like to become a lawyer whereas their younger sister Muhonja wants to become a Doctor in future.

“I’m very optimistic and hopeful that God will make a way for us, however difficult it looks now. I appeal to any well-wishers and the government to help us go through our education and we shall not let them down. We want to achieve our dreams and we will appreciate any kind of help offered in support of our education,” said Muhonja.

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