Chiefs urged to fight drug abuse, gambling among the youth

By Musyoka Kaleti

 Eastern Regional Commissioner Evans Achoki has warned that chiefs not fighting the menace of drug abuse in their areas of jurisdictions will be punished.

Speaking to the press in Embu town, Achoki said that drug abuse has become a menace in the area and that chiefs have a big role in ending the vice.

“Disciplinary action will be taken against chiefs and assistant chiefs who aren’t fighting the vice,” he said.

 He went on to disclose that drug usage had threatened many families and caused mental illness in the society hence drug abuse should be completely eliminated.

 He further asked chiefs to hold barazas and find out the cause of the many suicide cases in the society.

“There are so many cases of suicide in our society. Through barazas, chiefs can find out the real cause of such cases. It might be drug abuse or something,” Achoki reasoned.

Achoki also asked chiefs to seize local gambling machines called mushaina arguing that the issue of the youth gambling the whole day contributed significantly to insecurity in the region.

He concluded by cautioning administrators not to involve themselves in partisan politics but to focus on providing law and order to the locals.

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