Private school in Kilifi pulls more surprises in KCPE

By George Otieno

Ocean of Wonders Primary School in Kilifi County was among the best performers in the region in the just recently released Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE).

Compared to the 2020 mean score of 350, the school recorded a mean score of 362 marks with the top student, 13-year-old Rufeida Athman, scoring 416 out of the possible 500 marks in the 2021 exams.

Rufeida attributed her sterling performance to the support and motivation from both her teachers and parents. She said the constant thorough revision of past exam papers also greatly helped in sharpening her in readiness for the national exams.

“I thank God for guiding me throughout the exams. I also appreciate my teachers who walked with all of us the entire journey, getting us ready every day. I thank my parents and fellow candidates for their support, commitment, dedication and sacrifice,” the beaming girl said.

To confirm beyond doubt the amazing performance, Ocean of Wonders had four other candidates surpassing the 400 mark line. Angelyne Norah got 414 followed by Bukheit Mohammed with 412 marks, as Cynthia Muthoni and Brenda Nekesa scored 402 and 400 marks respectively.

The head teacher Mr. Phillip Nyakundi, elated by the school’s performance, said teamwork and dedication on the part of both pupils and teachers were the major contributors to the exceptional results. The learners were highly motivated to excel as the exams approached.

“We were totally committed to making sure the pupils did well in their exams. The learners on the other hand maximized their efforts on group work sessions and revision time that saw them have access to numerous past exams that gave them a feel of how exams are,” the school head said.

The top five pupils joined 11,852 compatriots from all over the country to cross the 400 mark prestigious threshold.

Established in the year 2007, Ocean of Wonders first sat KCPE exams in 2015 when it attained a mean score of 289. The total number of candidates for the 2021 KCPE was 36.

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