New system in upgrading of secondary schools introduced

By Allan Kibet

The Ministry of Education is in the process of upgrading secondary schools across the country with a specific target of getting the schools from Sub-county to County status and those in County status to Extra County.

For the schools in Sub-county status, the following criteria must be followed for them to move to the next level: the school must make a formal request to the County Director of Education (CDE) for consideration, the schools must have a boarding facility, the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) means core should be 4.5 for the previous three years, the schools should submit minutes from Board of Management (BOM) meeting on the decision to upgrade the school and have the Quality Assurance and Standards report ascertaining requirements to upgrade the school.

Schools that are at the County status, to be moved to the next level, are required to make a formal request to the CDE for consideration, have boarding facilities, a means core of 5.5 and above in the last three years of KCSE examination results, minutes of BOM meeting on approval of the request to upgrade the school and Quality Assurance report ascertaining the mentioned requirements.

Extra County schools in Kenya form the second tier of schools after National schools, currently there are 330 Extra County schools in the country.    

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