Kakamega schools bet big on improved KCSE scores

By Richard Shichangi

Most high schools in Kakamega County have prepared their candidates to tackle the forth- coming KCSE, with majority aiming at improving from their previous mean scores.

A spot check revealed that most principals who spoke to Education News expressed confidence that their candidates were sufficiently prepared for the exams.

At St. Mathias Mwitoti High School in Mumias East Sub-county, the principal Mr Dennis Munyendo noted that they were done with syllabus coverage and the candidates were engaged in revision. More than 564 candidates will sit the exam.

He said they were looking forward to sending more than three hundred of them to university while pushing the school mean score to 7.4 from 2020’s 6.4

At Friends School Mbale in Vihiga County, the principal Peter Omutiti was optimistic that the school was going to attain its target of 7.5 from last year’s 6.5, while increasing the quality grades from 135 to 150 out of an entry of 341.

At Ibokolo High School in Butere Sub-county, the head Levy Muleya observed that they had a competitive class equal to the task, who are set to give them their target of 6.18 from last KCSE’s 5.3 and raise the quality grades to 24 from 91 candidates.

In Matungu Sub-county, Munami High School principal Patrick Siketi noted that teachers had done their ground work and the candidates were well positioned for the exams.

He said the set target of 5.00 is attainable from the previous 3.6, given the ability of the candidates. He was confident more than 25 will get C plus and above from an entry of 75.

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