Budget 2022/23: Education sector receives Sh 544.4 billion

By Obegi Malack


The government has allocated the Education sector Sh 544.4 in the 2022-23 budget proposals of the Sh3.31 trillion total budget.

Treasury Cabinet Secretary Ukur Yatani while tabling the budget estimates in parliament on Thursday, April 7 said the government is committed to increase access to quality education.

The sh3.31 trillion is equivalent to 23.9 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country.

The amount was increased from Sh503.9 billion allocated in 2021-2022 budget.

The treasury allocated Sh1.2 billion for the training of teachers on Competency Based Curriculum.

Free Primary Education programme will receive Sh1.2 billion while free day Secondary education has been allocated Sh64.4 billion.

To keep students in school the government allocated Sh 1.96 billion to the school feeding program.

To ensure all candidates sit for the examinations Sh5 billion has been allocated for examination fees waiver for Grade 6, Class 8 and Form 4 candidates.

The Teachers Service Commission has been allocated Sh2.5 billion, this is for recruitment of new teachers.

The digital literacy programme has received Sh310 million and ICT integration in secondary schools which is a drop from Sh420 million allocated last year.

The treasury also allocated Sh 294.7 billion for the Teachers Service Commission, sh 91.2 billion for university education and Sh 15.8 billion for the Higher Education Board.

More funds were also allocated to other departments in the education sector.

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