Girl tops as Kilifi Primary posts impressive KCPE results

By George Otieno

A 13-year-old Fleurette Wisiko Nyarambe emerged top in Kilifi Primary School in the recently announced Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) results.

She garnered 397 marks out of the possible 500.

Asked what contributed to her remarkable performance, Fleurette said her prayers, hard work, determination and constant support from her teachers, parents and fellow pupils played a major role. She wants to join Pangani Girls in Nairobi.

“Prior to the exams, I woke up at 4 AM every morning and went to bed at 10 PM. I can say my effort paid off,” she stated.

Kilifi Primary School top pupils with class teacher Maxmillan Bunyasi and Fleurette Wisiko’s mother Jacqueline Gambo back right.

The class teacher Maxmillan Bunyasi said she was pleased with the performance.

“We expect to have a very high mean score once we compile all the results as majority scored over 300 marks,” she said.

14-year-old Selina Pola Kenga had 393 marks as John Jana Daniel who is 15 years scored 391 marks. Felix Wathe Nzuki scored 390 to wind up the top 4 positions in a large pool of 119 pupils.

They encouraged the pupils in the lower classes to work even harder, be prayerful and go after their dreams.

The results, however, is a slight drop from the 2020 KCPE where the top pupil had 417 marks.

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