MP urges youth to join TVETs to acquire practical skills

By Enock Okong’o

The Nyaribari Masaba Member of Parliament Hon. Ezekiel Machogu has advised the youth to join Technical institutions to enable them acquire practical skills for employment.

He promised to support in the construction and expansion of the Vocational Training Centres if he will be elected the Kisii County Governor in the forthcoming August 9 National Elections.

While speaking at Kenyenya town while paying a courtesy call to Kenyenya Technical Training Institute, he said that there were numerous unexplored employment opportunities in the country but the legislator regretted that at the same time, people with relevant skills and experiences were few.

“My priority will be to empower the youths with skills through the provision of enough education bursary funds to sustain them in their vocational courses,” he promised.

The long serving District Commissioner, turned politician, said that his envisioned government will partner with the National government and other outside governments to source funds for the improvement of the existing Polytechnics like Kenyenya, Keroka Nyaore, Nyachenge and Nyaburumbasi to accommodate many trainees.

He urged the youth to join institutes like Kisii National Polytechnic that offer career courses like Business Administration, Hotel management, Beauty therapy and Carpentry to enable them acquire practical skills, boosting their employability.

“My dream government will provide an enabling environment for young graduates from these institutions to thrive in life,” he added.

Machogu hinted of using the county government resources when he wiill rise to power to expand the existing smaller polytechnics in order to decongest Kisii National Polytechnic.

“If the country needs to prosper, we must invest more in the acquisition of quality technical knowledge,” he said.

He revealed that his Nyaribari Masaba Constituency was voted the best in the country for the prudent use of the NG-CDF funds during his two term tenure.

He therefore promised to bring the similar approach and experience to the county if he will be elected to head it.

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